Hone your skills at The CCL Academy

CCL has consistently worked to its own standard as well as its ISO ones - very simply, every aspect of our work, everything related to evidential handling, it all has to stand up to the most rigorous Court scrutiny.

White hex

That demands an intense level of knowhow, discipline and application - levels that need to be consistent across the team. The CCL Academy was established specifically to take the brightest talent and to ‘hothouse’ them to ensure we not only maintain our standards but also keep ahead of the technological curve.

Digital Forensics degrees do not always cover all the practical aspects and skills required to examine and report on computer devices using current tools and methodologies; and those starting their careers aren’t always invested in or exposed sufficiently to accelerate that essential coal-face learning.

The Academy provides intensive blended learning, with practical tutors leading examinations on test-cases, personal mentors assigned to each new starter, and a rich mix of self-study projects, presentations, written tests and shadowing.

Typical subjects covered include:

  • Overview of conventional and live imaging procedures
  • Processes / Workflows / Standard Operating Procedures / Quality Management System
  • Continuity
  • Disclosure
  • Practical training of forensic tools: SPEKTOR, EnCase, X-Ways, Axiom, Griffeye, Rabbit Hole
  • Relevant legislation and case law
  • Image review and grading
  • Contemporaneous notes, technical records and ISO 17025
  • Report writing
  • Production and despatch requirements

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