October 2, 2023

Boosting digital forensics capability and crime fighting in South Sudan

When we talk of 'international capability building' it is real-life examples - like the one cited in this testimonial - that best demonstrate the impact we can have in every corner of the world.

CCL is currently involved in a program working with INTERPOL and AFRIPOL to provide African countries with a digital forensic triage solution – SPEKTOR - enabling them to carry out examinations of devices. In some cases, the provision of SPEKTOR is in support of existing digital forensic capabilities. In others, like South Sudan, it is very often the only solution they can call on in their efforts to counter cyber crime.

It was gratifying to receive this recent feedback:

"Thank you very much for the kindness, caring and strong support you are still providing to us and, in particular, South Sudan.

Allow me to inform you about a success registered using the SPEKTOR forensic tool. A criminal case was forwarded to the Cyber Crime Unit with a voice recorder submitted as an exhibit for forensic examination.

The suspects informed the police that they had deleted all the information needed for the court to proceed. The court could not do anything without the information hence submitting the voice recorder for forensic analysis.

The recorder’s SD card was removed and run through SPEKTOR - all information related to the case was successfully identified and extracted.

As the South Sudan National Police Service Cyber Crime Unit didn’t previously have such a tool, the availability of SPEKTOR has raised the hope and capability of the national police to fulfil its mandate in all crime areas.”

Submitted by an officer of the Cyber Crime Unit. South Sudan, Juba

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