Uncover weak spots with penetration testing expertise

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Identify potential vulnerabilities in the target’s IT fabric within a short time frame

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Gain actionable insight into the threat landscape and the basis for rapid remediation.

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Use in tandem with complementary Red Teaming to double down on your cyber protections

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Penetration testing (pen testing) is a staple of effective cyber security protection and a perfect complement to CCL’s Red Teaming service. Whereas Red Teaming is a more holistic, ‘covert’ assessment covering systems, process and people, pen testing is more ‘overt’ and focused on systems.

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Our skills, integrity and smooth project management are welcomed as a critical line of defence when it comes to pre-empting and preventing bad actors and malicious threats.  

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And what makes us different? If you take cyber smarts as read, what really stands out is that client-oriented interface: the project managers who are the go-betweens, technical translators and orchestrators of every engagement.

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What to expect

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A clear lens on the threats and risks to your systems

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Testing tailored to each client’s needs

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Comprehensive reports providing detailed information and remediation advice

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Adjusted risk ratings based on contextual information

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Price certainty from the outset

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Multiple tests per year negotiable

We're a trusted partner

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All consultants security cleared and certified under CREST, Tiger Scheme or Cyber Scheme

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A cyber specialist rooted in standards – ISO 27001, ISO 9001, CEH, IASME, CREST, CHECK

Our accreditations

Working to the highest industry standards for quality, assurance and compliance.

Assured Service Provider in association with National Cyber Security Centre
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Certified Clients and Products - SGS
Cyber Essentials Certified Plus
Cyber Essentials Certified

Find out more about our accreditations
